"Oliver Twist" di Charles Dickens

Pubblicato il da Irene

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commenti    The book of Oliver is very beautiful and interesting but the story is sad. Oliver is a orphan. Oliver's mother went in a workhouse but after some days she dead after her son was born. Oliver grew up in a orphanage but he was unhappy becouse the master gave to Oliver less food than normal so Oliver and his friends was always very hungry and cold. Oliver left the workhouse and walked for 70 miles. Oliver arrived in London and met a boy. The new friend of Oliver is Dodger and he had friends: Fagin and Charley. Charley,Fagin and Dodger played a strange game, the boys tried took the wallets, the jewels and other things of Fagin: Fagin learned to steal. Then, Oliver walked with Dodger and Charley and they wanted steal some things but Oliver  did'n want do it .

The police took Oliver after some times becouse the police thougth Oliver was a thief but was'n truth so a sir wanted protect him and so he brougth his home Oliver. The sir called Mr Brownlow and he lived in a beautiful house with Mrs Bedwin. They took care of Oliver and they loved him.

Oliver loved Mr Brownlow and Mrs Bedwin and a day the sir gave at Oliver some money to buy a book. Oliver was happy and Mr Brownlow trusted him. The bad guis were near the book shop and sow Oliver so they pulled him to Fagin's house. Oliver met a strange and cruel man: Sikes and a women: Nancy. 

Fagin wanted Sikes and Oliver stolen in a rich house. The night of the crime, Sikes and Oliver arrived in front of the house but Oliver was very afreid so tried escaped but Sikes hit him with a pistol. Oliver stay alone in the house's garden all night. Oliver was hurt. In the morning Oliver found help at the house and a kind old man helped him with a doctor.

Oliver was helped by many person and at the end Mr Brownlow adopted Oliver and the boy often visited his frieds!.

Nancy was killed by Sikes becouse he helped Olives and she betrayed  Fagin and Sikes.

Charley began a new and honest life.

Fagin went in a prison and then he hanged for all his crimes.

Sikes dead!!!!!!!

Oliver was finally happy ( for the first time in his life )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

consigli        La storia è adatta a bambini di almeno 9/10 anni ma il livello del riassunto è diverso in base al lettore, per i ragazzi delle medie consiglio un "pre-intermidiet" ma per la quarta o quinta elementare e meglio un "elementary"

periodo      La vicenda è ambientata circa nel 1800 

luogo          Inghilterra, soprattutto Londra e la campagna circostante ad essa.

edizione    Riassunto di Green Apple ma edizione vera e propria di Black Cat 

copertina     Oliver Twist                                            Oliver-Twist-and-his-bad-friends.jpeg





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